Explore a Career with American Alarms

Explore a Career with American Alarms
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Core Values

Honesty and Integrity
Do the right thing, always. We will be tempted constantly, for money, to save time, to look like a hero, etc.
Be transparent and open
Model what you want from others
It’s OK to say “NO”

Have goals and work toward them
Persist, even when it gets tough
Take reasonable risks
When you fall down, get back up

Dedicated and reliable
Be here physically, mentally, and emotionally every day
Be on time and ready to work
Deliver what you promise
Take responsibility, blame no one
Finish what you start
Always be improving

Team player
You will get out of life what you want, if you help enough people get what they want
We all win together, we all learn together
Effective teams are more than the sum of their parts
The best teams have no superstars, just hard-working people that contribute to the team goal